Insights 360 - Dictionary

This article is a deep dive into the various statistics, metrics, and terminology that are key to WTB reporting.


Basic Terminology

Term Definition Example


The parent company contracted for Where to Buy.

A single account may have many brands and countries within it. A user may only belong to one account at a time, and a user registered to one account may not see any other account's data.

In some rare cases, a brand or country may have requested their own separate account.

"Mattel" is the parent Where to Buy account.

"Barbie" and "Hot Wheels" are brands under that account.


A digital marketing effort, tracked through WTB. Campaigns can drive customers back to a brand's website, to a shoppable landing page, or directly to a Retailer's website.

Technically, a Campaign is defined by a set of URL parameters and values - each unique combination of values is considered a "campaign". 

Campaign #1:

Campaign #2:


Campaign #3:

Country In WTB context, Country refers to the country of the website that launched the WTB Module.



Each of the main Insights360 tabs is referred to as a "dashboard".

  • WTB Performance Overview
  • Module Performance
  • Product Performance
  • Retailer Performance
  • Sales Details
  • Campaign Analysis
Filters The topmost section of each Insights 360 dashboard. Each Filter is a menu that can be used to pivot the data on the dashboard or to zoom in on specific items for deeper analysis  

A label that defines Retailers who have a sales data-sharing relationship with PriceSpider. 

Amazon (US), Home Depot (US), Otto (DE), Very (UK), and many more!

Local Retailer A Retailer who provides brick & mortar shopping experiences for shoppers  
Local Store A physical/brick & mortar shopping location  

A WTB instance created by the PriceSpider Implementation team and provided to a brand for use on their website or in their digital marketing.

Modules may be designed with a specific brand in mind, or they may include many brands, products, and countries. A brand may use multiple Modules on their website.

Types of Modules:

  • Product
  • Generic
  • Hybrid
  • Enterprise
  • Persistent Retailer
  • Shoppable Landing Page
  • Ad



An item provided to PriceSpider by a brand for tracking, crawling, and WTB services. Products are represented by a variety of attributes including SKU, Product Name, Product Image, UPC, etc.

Product Category The Category assigned to a Product via a brand's Product Feed "Appliances > Washing Machines"
Product Name The Name assigned to a Product via a brand's Product Feed  
Product Group The Product Group assigned to a Product via a brand's Product Feed "US Appliances"
Retailer Providers of the buying options presented in a WTB Module. Each Retailer is unique to a Country.  "Amazon (France)" and "Amazon (Canada)" are separate Retailers. 

"Stock Keeping Unit"

In WTB context, the term 'SKU' is used to represent the primary identifier for a Product. You can find the SKU values being used to represent your products in your brand's Product Feed.

  • "0910-20"
  • "JGS760EPES"
  • "00038000001109"
Tile A visual element on Insights 360 dashboards (the graphs and charts).  
WTB A common acronym for "Where to Buy"  


Counting Metrics

Metric Definition Technical Details
Call Store Event

This event represents a shopper clicking on the 'Call Store' button on a Local Store in a WTB Module.

  • In most WTB Modules, this button will only appear when the WTB is viewed by a Shopper on a phone or tablet-sized screen.
Get Directions Event

This event represents a shopper clicking on the 'Get Directions' link on a Local Store in a WTB Module.

  • This link takes the Shopper out to Google Maps and provides directions from their approximate location to the store
Local Retailer Impression

This event represents a shopper seeing one or more Local Stores belonging to a Retailer in a WTB Module.

Local Store Click

This event represents a shopper clicking on the 'View Online' link on a Local Store in a WTB Module. 

  • This link takes the Shopper out to the Retailer's website
Local Store Impression

This event represents a shopper seeing a particular Local Store in a WTB Module.


This event represents a shopper completing a transaction on a Retailer's website, after interacting with a PriceSpider WTB Module or tracking link.

    • May also be referred to as “receipts”, “orders”, or “transactions”.

  • See the Sales section below for more information on how PriceSpider reconciles purchase data we receive from Retailers

Purchase Lead

This event represents a shopper clicking on a Retailer in a WTB Module, leaving the WTB to go to that Retailer's website. By doing so the shopper has demonstrated purchase intent, and the Retailer has gained a Lead that may convert into a Purchase!

  • May also be referred to as “Lead”, "Retailer Lead", "Click-Thru", or "Redirect"

Leads are used as the main metric of comparison across the different dashboards and areas of WTB performance, as their definition does not vary based on module type, installation location, 

  • Unique Purchase Leads - if a shopper clicks on multiple Retailers while viewing a Product in a WTB Module, these Leads will be reduced to 1 for purposes of calculating Lead Conversion Rate and Purchase Rate.

    • Why? The shopper is not likely to buy the same Product at each Retailer they clicked on - so when calculating performance at a Product or WTB Module level, we simply give credit to the fact that the Shopper indicated purchase intent. This also makes the Lead Conversion Rate and Purchase Rate metrics more accurate at measuring a shopper’s journey through the purchase funnel.

    • Note - when viewing performance at a Retailer level, each Purchase Lead is meaningful and represents a potential Purchase. Thus, we use Total Purchase Leads instead to illustrate overall shopper interest in buying from each Retailer.
      • In the future we may introduce a version of Unique Leads for Retailers to minimize the impact of bot traffic or Shoppers clicking the same Retailer multiple times.


Purchase Lead Value 

The value of an individual Lead sent to a Retailer. This measures how much potential Sales each Retailer is receiving as part of the Where to Buy program.

  • May also be referred to as “PLV"
  • The value of a given Lead is set based on the Retailer's price in the Where to Buy Module when the Shopper clicked on that Retailer.

Retailer Impression

This event represents a shopper seeing a Retailer in a WTB Module.

Each Retailer that appeared to the Shopper will receive its own Retailer Impression.

    • What does this mean? There will generally be multiple Retailer Impressions for every WTB Impressions. Adding all Retailer Impressions together will not match the WTB Impression count!



Money spent by Shoppers who completed purchases thru a brand’s Where to Buy program.

  • Sales can be broken down into several buckets:

    • “Same Product”

      • This bucket represents scenarios where the Shopper purchased the exact Product they were viewing in the WTB Module.

    • “My Products”

      • These are purchased products that belong to the Where to Buy account’s owner, or one of the brands that are part of the Where to Buy account. For example…

        • If a Shopper was looking at a sound bar but ended up purchasing a TV of the same brand, that TV would be placed in the “My Products” bucket.

        • If a Shopper was looking at a doll in the Where to Buy but ended up purchasing a playhouse belonging to a different brand within the same Where to Buy account, the purchased playhouse would be placed in the “My Products” bucket.

    • “Other Products”

      • These are purchased products that do not belong to the Where to Buy account’s owner, or any of their brands.

        • This bucket includes both competitive products as well as categories or industries unrelated to those offered by the brand.

        • For example, if a Shopper purchased a pair of socks after viewing a Product in a pet food brand’s Where to Buy, the purchased pair of socks would be placed in the “Other Products” bucket.

        • There are some instances where PriceSpider is unable to determine the exact product or brand that was purchased, due to limited information provided by the Retailer.
WTB Impression This event represents a shopper opening a WTB Module, or performing actions within the Module that cause it to refresh
  • Lightbox-style WTB Modules - a WTB Impression is triggered when a shopper clicks on the Module’s button, launching the popup.
  • Embedded-style WTB Modules - a WTB Impression is triggered when the webpage hosting the Module is loaded.
  • If multiple WTB Modules are present on a single page, each one will receive its own WTB Impression:
    • For multiple Embedded Modules, they will all trigger their WTB Impressions at the same time.
    • For multiple Lightbox Modules, they will trigger as the shopper clicks on the button for each one (not all Lightbox Modules on a multi-Module page will necessarily receive a WTB Impression).
    • For a mixed page implementation. where both Embedded and Lightbox modules present at the same time, each Module will receive its own Impressions as defined above.
  • Unique WTB Impressions - if a shopper performs any of the following actions within a WTB Module, it will also count an Impression. For purposes of calculating Lead Conversion Rate and Purchase Rate, these WTB Impressions will be reduced to 1.
      • Changing the searched location






Rate Metrics

Metric Definition Formula
Lead Conversion Rate

The rate at which shoppers convert from a WTB Impression into a Purchase Lead

    • This measures generation of purchase intent; how often Shoppers click-through to a Retailer after opening a Where to Buy module.

Lead Conversion Rate % = (Unique Purchase Leads - Ad Leads) / Unique Impressions

  • Note:

    • Lead Conversion Rate excludes Leads from “Ad”-type modules.

      • “Ad” modules are tracking links which do not collect Impressions, preventing the calculation of an accurate LCR.

      • Leads from Ad modules are still counted in Unique Leads and Total Leads. Every Lead from an Ad module is considered to be Unique.

Purchase Rate

The rate at which shoppers complete a Purchase after clicking on a Retailer in a WTB Module.

    • This measures the effectiveness of a brand’s Where to Buy program at driving sales.

Purchase Rate % = Purchases / Unique Purchase Leads


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