Help Center FAQs

PriceSpider's new Help Center has a lot of great new features and so many more that will be rolled out soon! In the meantime, we've put together a short list of FAQs for those of you that are navigating through the Help Center:


I can now create tickets on the portal. Should I use the portal or send my tickets via email?

Moving forward, the most efficient way to get in the Support queue and receive an expedient response is to submit your tickets through and provide as much information as possible.


I can see my recent tickets, but where are my older ones?

When our team migrated platforms in February, they only brought over any unresolved ticket. Older tickets will be migrated in the next phase, so stay tuned!


I’ve emailed PriceSpider Support before, how do I access my tickets?

If you’ve already contacted PriceSpider Support before, you may already be in the system! All you need to do is create a password to get started. Click the Sign In button or click the “Create Account” icon to begin.


Can I CC my colleagues on my support request like I do with my emails?

Yes you can! You will want to first Sign In to the Help Center. Once Signed In, the Submit a Request field will allow you to add any CC to your ticket submission.


Can I see all of the open tickets for my company?

For security reasons, this is disabled. If you would like to add this feature, please let your CSM or a Support agent know.


The Help Center is great! When will the Guides and FAQs be available?

Our teams are hard at work creating helpful content for our Help Center knowledge base. We are so excited to make this content available to you as soon as we can!

If there is something that you would LIKE to see from us, please reach out to your assigned CSM and let them know!


Do you have any instructions on how to use the Help Center's new features?

Yes! Using the PriceSpider Help Center

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